The Chiltern Traction Engine Club Committee members list are found in the sub folder listed as 'The Committee' to the left of this page.
On 30th July 1950 at Appleford two enginemen decided to race their engines for the chance to win a barrel of Firkin
ale. Arthur Napper on his Marshal traction engine ‘Old Timer and Miles Chetwynd-Stapylton on his Aveling and Porter traction engine ‘Ladygrove’. The race ended with Arthur walking
away as the winner. Since that day the steam movement and preservation was born.
The Chiltern Traction Engine Club was established years
later in the autumn of 1961 and the first recorded meeting of the new club was at the Red Lion Hotel in High Wycombe on the 19th October. The first meeting lasted 3 hours dicussing the
possibility of setting up a club to appreciate steam. Following this
meeting, 3 days later, on a Sunday was held at Chris Edmond’s engine shed at
Old Acre in Owlswick to discover how many people would be interested in a club formation and was attended by 12 people. It wasn’t until more
than a month later that the first general meeting of the club was called, chaired by W. Utton and attended by 28 members.
The first item for discussion was the club name,
which was voted in as the The Chiltern Traction Engine Club, with the runner up name being The Buckinghamshire Traction Engine Club. The committee members were then elected; R. Brazil, F.H.
Grover, C. Edmonds, W. Utton, P. Coxall, C. Dudman, J. Lawrence and P.G. Warricker.
The objectives of the new club were agreed; to promote an interest in steam power, to preserve surviving examples of steam driven machinery
and to organise social events and ultimately an annual rally (which still exists today).
In January 1962 , another general meeting was held and provisional arrangements for the first Chiltern Traction Engine Club rally were made. This meeting also agreed the need for a club
president but as yet the post remained vacant. A newsletter had also been started by this point to inform members of upcoming events.
The next meeting was held in April 1962 and in this meeting W. Utton resigned as Chairman and T.L. De Fraine was put forward to be the new chair.
By this time the club had 55 members and interest in the club was growing. The first social event for the club was proposed and was to be held at The Cock and Rabbit in The Lee which was later
changed to be at the clubs first rally. The Chiltern Traction Engine Club members were to exhibit their steam engines at
the Chartridge Fete on August 1962. A logo for the club was also in the process
of being designed. Mr. Wally and Mrs Veronica Papworth were chosen to judge and compere club events.
The general meeting on Friday 15th June 1962 saw Mr R. Brazil elected as club
vice-chairman and Mr Warricker as Information Officer. The first ever Chiltern
Traction Engine club rally was decided to be held at Chartridge End Farm, Chesham on the 30th June 1962. The revenue from this rally was documented to total £161 and the rally was held in
this location until 1965.
The club rallies then moved locations over the following years. After spending 3 years at Chartridge, it was held at Tring Park in 1966. Then Bell Lane in Little Chalfont from 1967 to 1968,
Leather Lane in Great Missenden from 1968 to 1977, Little Missenden in 1978, Coleshill in Amersham from 1979 to 1984. In 1985 moved to Prestwood and we have used the same fields for the past 26 years
and hopefully many more to come. From 1969 the club decided to have their future rallies, which are still to this day, held on the first
weekend of July.